The Two Journeys Begin

Look at foolish little me in the blog post “Enlightenment”. Haha. I have always known that one never finishes learning until the heart takes the finally beat but the last few months have really proved it to me. I have truly disappointed myself as I have wasted the month of June. But I can’t dwell on that now. I still have the months of June and July to accomplish what I want.

This week, which starts today, June 24 2012, will be marked with the commencement of 2 journeys : my P90X journey and my path to culinary refinement.

Every day, (yes that’s quite ambitious), I will write 2 blog posts : 1 describing my day doing P90X and 1 describing my culinary experience of the day. (I really need to learn how to cook).

But for some reason, I want to document these journeys. I truly think I do. So the only other person I’ve told about this is my friend, Kemoi. Kem, you may or may not choose to follow this daily. ‘Tis really of no matter to me.

My choice to document 31 day journey for P90X and this 62 journey for Culinary Master classes is not rash. I need to do this. I could have written a well-articulated, truly awe-inspiring introduction to these oh so grand journeys but I chose not to.

So tomorrow, I start the 1st day of P90X with my mom and on Monday, I will try my 1st recipe. I need to organize these after I post this.

I intend not to let myself down. I have so many times before, and the pattern needs to be broken before I can achieve this change I desperately need.

P.S. I am going to divide the 2 journeys into 2 different categories on this blog.


  1. June 24, 2012 at 12:16 am


  2. jodiponders said,

    June 24, 2012 at 12:29 am

    So realistically, I don’t expect to be able to get the ingredients to start until Monday, Tuesday the latest. But I am starting VERY soon.

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